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ZootCatchy ZootCatchy
Damaged People
Сообщений: 1460
[27.02.2012 / 17:18]

выпуск на начало следующего года планируется

ZootCatchy ZootCatchy
Damaged People
Сообщений: 1460
[27.02.2012 / 17:20]

These news are so fantastic !!! Wow !!!

"I like that talking about God makes people uncomfortable," he said. " It makes me uncomfortable when I try to accept that there's something greater than myself. And the music gave me goosebumps. It humbled me."

With Depeche Mode's forthcoming album in mind, Gahan also acknowledged that Martin Gore may have hit a creative high point of his own. "There's definitely a change in Martin, in that he's so excited about working right now," he said. "We've been through a lot together, you know, it's a family, you have your ups and downs, and it's nice to be excited about making a record together." He added that Gore is continuing to reconnect with his guitar a primary songwriting instrument. "He comes up with great ideas, he really does some great things. But I feel Martin enjoys playing live, he enjoys playing guitar, and he enjoys playing onstage. That element is now shifting into the studio a lot more."

( source: the quietus interview - from today )

The full interview with Dave Gahan and Rich Machin will follow soon...
они, короче, там все супер вдохновленные и радостные, и много чегго обещают
интервью будет тут (пока не опубликовано)

SnogViolator SnogViolator
Damaged People
Сообщений: 15446
[27.02.2012 / 17:34]

ZootCatchy писала:


они, короче, там все супер вдохновленные и радостные, и много чегго обещают

Требую больше железа натурального

Даже когда ему отрубили голову, он продолжал нести такую ...уйню, что палач в запале отрубил себе уши...

Carpov Carpov
Damaged People
Сообщений: 3349
[02.03.2012 / 14:24]

Дак чё, просветите меня, кто там продюсировать то будет? Надеюсь не он?

...человек - многоточие... 

rattyone rattyone
Damaged People
Сообщений: 3623
[02.03.2012 / 14:28]

ну пока по слухам и по твиттеру вроде Хиллер

ZootCatchy ZootCatchy
Damaged People
Сообщений: 1460
[02.03.2012 / 16:18]

да хиллер же, вопрос этот уже решен.

Ives Ives
Сообщений: 541
[02.03.2012 / 16:20]


John The Violator John The Violator
Junior Painkiller
Сообщений: 309
[02.03.2012 / 17:07]

А я уже особо и не парюсь, Хиллер так Хиллер. Абсолютной бездарностью его тоже назвать нельзя, вспомнить хотя бы РТА с бисайдами.


Ives Ives
Сообщений: 541
[02.03.2012 / 17:22]

РТА получился великолепным и даже с продюсерской точки зрения талантливым.

Просто Бен, по сути, одинаков, а три схожих продукта подряд, 10 лет без малейшего прогресса - это совсем не то, чего мы хотим. Ну зачем нужны годы одинакового звука при том, что вершин РТА тут уже не достичь?

John The Violator John The Violator
Junior Painkiller
Сообщений: 309
[02.03.2012 / 17:41]

А может за годы прошедшие с СОТУ Хиллер самосовершенствовался, как знать. Насчет того, что вершин РТА не достичь, я пожалуй соглашусь... хотя Мартин обещал что-то совершенно новое и неожиданное, может как раз здесь Хиллер и пригодится как никто иной, всё может быть.


Ives Ives
Сообщений: 541
[02.03.2012 / 18:27]

ну к новому Марту лучше нового продюсера.

все мечтаю о возвращении Сименона)

ZootCatchy ZootCatchy
Damaged People
Сообщений: 1460
[02.03.2012 / 18:40]

краткий обзор новостей, для тех, кто еще не в курсе:

March 1: First studio month for DM! The fb-wall was prepared already for some videos on making of the album.


"It was definitely a very new experience for me," said Gahan. "I know some of the songs will come across as quite dark and moody, but it was the most uplifting experience I've ever had making a record." And as with Gore (whose full-length collaboration with former Depeche Mode member Vince Clarke, SSSS, will come out on March 12), it's clear that his outside work has rekindled a desire to write. "I don't think I'd be jumping back into the studio right now if it hadn't been for this experience," he said.


With Depeche Mode's forthcoming album in mind, Gahan also acknowledged that Martin Gore may have hit a creative high point of his own. "There's definitely a change in Martin, in that he's so excited about working right now," he said. "We've been through a lot together, you know, it's a family, you have your ups and downs, and it's nice to be excited about making a record together." He added that Gore is continuing to reconnect with his guitar a primary songwriting instrument. "He comes up with great ideas, he really does some great things. But I feel Martin enjoys playing live, he enjoys playing guitar, and he enjoys playing onstage. That element is now shifting into the studio a lot more."


Martin Gore (Rolling Stone Interview, Feb 23 - 2012): "I think it's too early, really, to talk about (the record), because everybody is quite happy with the actual sound of the demos, which is quite reassuring and a bit of novelty. We feel like we've got a head start on this album before we even got to the studio..."


News from DM ! "Dave has once again been writing songs for the new album. Dave has been writing these songs with "someone new". The sound (at this early demo stage) is apparently a "bit dirty", whatever this means. Remember: these are demos actually and might be not the indicative of the album at all..."


(source HOME forum again... )

Here's what we think, we actually know:

The band met in January to listen to demos
(source: insiders - specific date from Grainne's twitter feed)

Ben Hillier is returning to produce once more
(source: The Music Show/Hotpress article)

The band will start recording in March
(source: Martin's Gaffa interview, earlier Fletch quotes)

The band will be recording in Santa Barbara
(source: that Wine charity auction)

Dave has once again been writing songs for the album
(source: top secret)

finally... Fletch mentioned at some point the album release -> march 2013

SnogViolator SnogViolator
Damaged People
Сообщений: 15446
[02.03.2012 / 18:46]
ZootCatchy писала:

краткий обзор новостей, для тех, кто еще не в курсе:

Даже когда ему отрубили голову, он продолжал нести такую ...уйню, что палач в запале отрубил себе уши...

Ives Ives
Сообщений: 541
[02.03.2012 / 18:51]

Fletch mentioned at some point the album release -> march 2013

Бля, до конца света не справятся))
ZootCatchy ZootCatchy
Damaged People
Сообщений: 1460
[02.03.2012 / 18:54]


в ie9 даже есть в контекстном меню 'перевод с помощью Bing'


SnogViolator SnogViolator
Damaged People
Сообщений: 15446
[02.03.2012 / 20:23]

1) я то и без транслейтеров переведу... вот тока наоборот слабоват...
2) мы вё же в России живем, это русский сайт и язык тут РУССКИЙ и думаю, что не все могут даже транслейтерами грамотно пользоваться...
3) я твой текст просто на японский перевел для японской диаспоры нашего сайта

Даже когда ему отрубили голову, он продолжал нести такую ...уйню, что палач в запале отрубил себе уши...

coverdave coverdave
Junior Painkiller
Сообщений: 137
[03.03.2012 / 08:15]

Свежий видос

Depeche Mode are just about ready to record their 12th album, says frontman Dave Gahan. The record will be produced by Ben Hillier, but Gahan says Depeche Mode co-founder Martin Gore will step up with more production responsibilities than on previous LPs. "We've got about 20 songs demoed and we're going to begin recording at the end of next month," he recently told Rolling Stone. "It's a very different process from what it used to be. You've got to put interesting people around you, you've got to work with people who are gonna inspire you to take the songs you've written into a completely different direction, because there's nothing more boring than going to the studio and predictably knowing what is going to happen."

Interview by Patrick Flanary, video by Eric Helton and Matthew Murphy

Ex.Kidman Ex.Kidman
Junior Painkiller
Сообщений: 240
[03.03.2012 / 19:00]
coverdave писал:

Depeche Mode are just about ready to record their 12th album, says frontman Dave Gahan. The record will be produced by Ben Hillier.

Ах, я так надеялся, что AW будет продюссером нового альбома ((((((

Отредактировано 03.03.2012 / 19:20
SnogViolator SnogViolator
Damaged People
Сообщений: 15446
[03.03.2012 / 19:23]


Даже когда ему отрубили голову, он продолжал нести такую ...уйню, что палач в запале отрубил себе уши...

SnogViolator SnogViolator
Damaged People
Сообщений: 15446
[03.03.2012 / 21:51]

думаете тут знАчимая заслуга продюссера?

сами РАБОТАЛИ!!!

Даже когда ему отрубили голову, он продолжал нести такую ...уйню, что палач в запале отрубил себе уши...

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